Ceramic filters provide very fine filtration, and are recommended for microbiologically unsafe water. With a .5 to .9 micron rating, ceramic filters are effective for filtering bacteria (including E.coli), cysts and sediment. The ceramic material can be cleaned many times with a plastic brush, extending the life of the filter, however in areas with high levels of sediment the ceramic material may quickly become clogged, lowering water pressure and requiring regular cleaning. will quickly lower water pressure as the ceramic pores become clogged, requiring regular cleaning.
Many users of ceramic filters find the regular cleaning to be time consuming and often switch to other methods of sterilization including ozonation or treatment with UV-C (germicidal ultraviolet) light. Ceramic is often combined with silver impregnated carbon to control bacteria. Some models of ceramic filters are called “candles” because they resemble a candle in shape.
For water sterilization, UV-C is usually a less expensive, easier to maintain option, especially when combined with quality sediment filtration and KDF/Carbon technologies. Ceramic filtration is an excellent solution for cottages where electricity is not available. A six candle ceramic filter unit is available that features high water flow rates and excellent performance. Ceramic filtration systems are also available in a table top units (Carafe design) that are ideal for filtering microbiologically unsafe water, however ceramic filters do not remove fluoride.